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Setup Examples
Setup Options
Setup Launch
Setup Time
Setup DIPS
Setup Email
Setup Uploader
Setup IPchat
Setup WEBchat
Setup WEBcam
Setup Scanner
Setup Non-Standard Ports
Setup Startup Parameters

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Connection Verification Interval Interval (in seconds) between consecutive connection checks. Obviously, the smaller this value, the faster DynamIP will be aware of lost or newly established connections (on the other hand, smaller values increase the load on your system). The value must be between 5 and 60.
IP Method Choose one of the following three methods:
Dynamic IP Address (Winsock)
DynamIP tries to resolve your local host name and assumes that you're online whenever the resulting IP address is different from This is the default method and it should work on most systems (incl. systems with cable modems!). If DynamIP does not start properly with this method (e.g. if the DynamIP window does not show up within a few seconds after starting) or does not detect your IP address when you are connected (i.e. DynamIP always shows as your IP address) you might want to try the method
Dynamic IP Address (RAS).

In case your system has multiple IP addresses (e.g. because it is multi homed) you can  use the following additional options to customize DynamIP's behavior in Winsock mode. Please note that these advanced options are only available if you have the Winsock option selected. If your system has only one modem to connect to the Internet and no network cards, there is absolutely no gain from changing the default settings!

Adapter# (default value 0)
If Adapter# equals
0 DynamIP returns the first valid IP address of the first adapter installed in your system.
If Adapter# equals
-1 DynamIP returns the first valid IP address of the last adapter installed in your system.
If Adapter# equals any other numerical value n bigger than 1 DynamIP returns the first valid IP address of the nth adapter installed in your system (e.g. if you enter 3 DynamIP will return the IP address of the 3rd adapter installed in your system).

Include IP Mask (default value x.x.x.x)
Use this field to define an IP address mask if you want DynamIP to pick up particular IP addresses only. The IP address retrieved from the Winsock layer (according to the Adapter# setting) must match all numerical parts of your mask (use x as a place holder for any value).
Example 1
A  mask of 196.100.57.x allows DynamIP to pick up any IP address in the range,,, ..., 196.100.254,
Example 2
If you want to pick up IP addresses from subnets starting with 238.245 only, you would use a mask of 238.245.x.x in the include IP mask field.
Example 3
The default mask x.x.x.x accepts any IP address.
If DynamIP cannot find a valid IP address for your system that also passes the include IP mask filter it automatically assumes that you're offline (indicated by the IP address Please be aware of the fact that the exclude IP mask filter is stronger than the include IP mask filter (hence, even if an IP address passes the include IP mask filter it may still be rejected by the exclude IP mask filter).

Exclude IP Mask (default value x.x.x.x)
Use this field to define an IP address mask if you want to prevent DynamIP from picking up particular IP addresses. The IP address retrieved from the Winsock layer (according to the Adapter# setting) will not match any numerical parts of your mask (use x as a place holder for those parts of the IP address that you do not want to check).
Example 1
A  mask of 196.100.57.x prevents DynamIP from picking up   IP addresses in the range,,, ..., 196.100.254, This may be useful if you want to prevent DynamIP from going into ONline mode if you connect to a particular ISP. You can also exclude your LAN IP address with this mask so that DynamIP goes into ONline mode only if your modem connection is active.
Example 2
If you want to exclude all IP addresses from subnets starting with 238.245, you would use a mask of 238.245.x.x in the exclude IP mask field.
Example 3
The default mask x.x.x.x lets DynamIP accept all IP addresses (because no numerical values are excluded explicitly).
If DynamIP cannot find a valid IP address for your system because all of them are rejected by the exclude IP mask filter it automatically assumes that you're offline (indicated by the IP address Please be aware of the fact that the exclude IP mask filter is stronger than the include IP mask filter (hence, even if an IP address passes the include IP mask filter it may still be rejected by the exclude IP mask filter).

Dynamic IP Address (RAS)
DynamIP checks whether you have active RAS connections going and assumes that you're online whenever it finds such connections. This method should work if you're on a LAN (w/ static IP) and have a dial-up connection going every now and then. If you have more than one RAS connection and want DynamIP to pick up a particular connection only, you can use the Winsock option (explained above) together with the include IP mask filter.


Static IP Address
Use this option if you're on a LAN and your IP address never changes (you're basically always online...). You can also use this option to force DynamIP to a particular IP address should neither of the two other methods described above work on your system.

Static IP
Enter your static IP address here if you select the IP Method "Static IP Address"; this field is disabled/ignored otherwise.

Connect Sound Check this box if you want DynamIP to play a sound file whenever the Connect Event occurs. You can choose any WAV file you like. Clicking on the button "Connect Sound" will play the sound so that you can test your settings.
Keep Alive If Keep Alive is checked DynamIP will connect to the NTP server specified in the Time Tab roughly every 2 minutes (DynamIP won't set your PC clock, it will just connect to the NTP server in order to generate some traffic). This is useful if your ISP disconnects you automatically after a certain time period without traffic.
Dial at Startup Check this box if you want DynamIP to establish a RAS connection whenever you start DynamIP.
Show Dial Progress Check this box if you want DynamIP to open up the progress window each time the RAS dialer gets activated (a side effect is that DynamIP becomes the active application). If this box is unchecked DynamIP will dial in the background.
Dial with Timer Check this box if you want DynamIP to automatically connect/disconnect at certain times. Note that you must define the times to connect/disconnect in the tab Time.
Move connected entry to top of list Check this box if you want DynamIP to automatically move the last connected entry to the top of the list. This way your "bad" connections will move to the bottom of the list and DynamIP won't waste time trying to establish a connection that won't go through anyway.
#1, #2, #3, and #4 Check any box to activate the particular entry and then choose the Dial-Up connection you want DynamIP to use when establishing a RAS connection. If unchecked, DynamIP will not use the particular entry even if it is a valid one.

If your ISP (= Internet Service Provider) has multiple phone numbers (or you have multiple ISPs) you can define a Dial-Up connection for each phone number (or ISP). This way DynamIP will behave as follows: it will first try to establish a connection using your first active entry, and if this fails, DynamIP will try your next active entry until a connection can be established.

Please note that DynamIP does NOT store your login/password combination for dial-up connections. This information is provided by your dial-up networking environment. If for some reason you want to override those settings, check out the information here.

Hide "Connect to" Window DynamIP can hide the annoying "Connected to ..." window. Simply check the box and enter the name of the window in the appropriate field (the name depends obviously on the language version of your Windows95; the US version requires an entry of Connected to* where the star "*" is a place holder for any sequence of characters...).
Hotkeys Define DynamIP for Connect and Disconnect (enter the ASCII code of the key you want to press together with the CTRL key). See additional info here.
Disconnect on Exit Check this box if you want DynamIP to disconnect all your RAS connections whenever you exit DynamIP.
Disconnect if Idle This option is only available in Win95 and Win98!

DynamIP is capable of automatically terminating a connection whenever the traffic throughput falls below a certain threshold value. If you check this box DynamIP will terminate all your RAS connections whenever there is less than x KB/min traffic during a period of y mins. This option is useful for unattended downloads of large files. DynamIP will automatically disconnect you from the Internet once the download is done. If you uncheck this option DynamIP will not terminate your connection based on traffic throughput.

AutoReconnect Check this box if you want DynamIP to automatically reestablish a dial-up connection whenever the connection was lost. If you check this option you can leave the option Name of Button to push unchecked and you don't have to specify the button name.
Warning on  Disconnect Check this box if you want DynamIP to issue a warning (sound notification) if your connection breaks unexpectedly.
Name of "Reconnect" Window If a connection is lost unexpectedly, DynamIP can click a button for you so that the dialer kicks in or the "Reconnect" window gets properly closed. The default value is Reestablish Connection. You can use the star "*" as a placeholder for an arbitrary sequence of characters.
Name of Button to push Check this option to activate DynamIP's reconnection handler. You can then select the button you want DynamIP to click whenever a connection is lost and the "Reconnect" window pops up. The default value is Reconnect... which will cause DynamIP to automatically redial and reestablish the connection. You can use the star "*" as a placeholder for an arbitrary sequence of characters. Use the ampersand "&" if the button has underlined characters in its name (e.g. Connect would be specified as &Connect).

Important Note:
If you checked "Dial with Timer" you should enter the value
Cancel into the field "Name of Button to push" in Tab DUN/RAS (which will close the Win95 lost connection dialog) because DynamIP is already set to reestablish your connection based on the timer settings.

Override Dial-Up Networking Login/Password

The following information is really only intended for those who want/need to force DynamIP to use a particular login/password combination for a dial-up networking connection selected in Setup|DUN/RAS (the only situation I could think of where this might be useful is when you have DynamIP running as an NT service - read this if you're running Win95/98 and can't save your dial-up networking passwords). Here is what you need to do:

Make sure DynamIP is not running.
Open the INI file (default: DynamIP.INI) with your preferred text editor (e.g. Notepad works fine).
Find the string '-----tab DUN/RAS' (this is where DynamIP stores your DUN/RAS settings).
A few lines down you will see entries of the sort:
ConnectionName1=<name of connection 1>;
ConnectionName2=<name of connection 2>;
ConnectionName3=<name of connection 3>;
ConnectionName4=<name of connection 4>;
where True indicates that the connection is set in DynamIP and False indicates that it is not set.
Let us assume that you want to override the login/password combination of your first defined dial-up networking connection with login=JoeDoe and password=more73963. You need to add 3 lines as follows to the INI file:

ConnectionName1=<name of connection 1>;
ConnectionName2=<name of connection 2>;
ConnectionName3=<name of connection 3>;
ConnectionName4=<name of connection 4>;

If you also want to override the settings of connection 2 (e.g. with login=ThisIsMe and password=hey87340you) then you need to add another 3 lines as follows to the INI file:

ConnectionName1=<name of connection 1>;
ConnectionName2=<name of connection 2>;
ConnectionName3=<name of connection 3>;
ConnectionName4=<name of connection 4>;

Save the INI file to store these new settings.

From now on DynamIP will use these newly defined login/password combinations instead of the combinations that are associated with the currently logged in user. You will not see these settings/changes in Setup|DUN/RAS, but if you activate logging for DUN/RAS (see Setup|Options) you will see new logins in the LOG file). Please note that DynamIP will encrypt the passwords the next time the INI file is written to the disk.

The only way to remove these additional settings is by deleting them from the INI file.

Last modified: March 30, 1999
OFFLINEvisitors since May 1, 1998

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